Amazon Selling Made Simple.
Know your numbers... then watch your profits soar.

Watch your Money Grow
See a real-time report of where your money is. Get a precise view of your profits. Know *exactly* where your money is going and what products are making bank.
Both cash and accrual-based reports, ASIN profitability, Transaction reports, Fee reports, Best-Sellers, and more!

A Better Way to Buy
No more endless spreadsheets! Order confirmation email auto-entry keeps track of every purchase with ease.
Track costs, discounts, prices, recipts, and more!

Painless Prep
Prep items 5x faster. Print labels without the headache. Super-Simple shipping.
Print labels individually or in bulk, on any printer. Ship to amazon with fewer split shipments.
Frequently Asked Questions
I started selling on Amazon last year as a side-hustle to pay for my kid's very expensive hobby (competitive cheer). Once I started selling, I very quickly saw a need for 2 important things: a way to see how much money I am *actually* making (way harder than you would think) and a way to make the tedious work of tracking, prepping, and sending merchandise into amazon take less time. I tried some of the usual solutions but I always found myself frustrated by one thing or another. So, I just started writing my own solution. Every problem I encountered, became a new feature I wrote. Until one day I realized, this thing is a game-changer and could help other sellers.